Doctors Weigh in on Prouty Garden

Yesterday, our own Dr. Michael Rich (who wrote this wonderful letter and testified at the DoN hearing last week) appeared on Boston Public Radio with Jim Braude and Margery Eagan to discuss the critical importance and healing power of the Prouty Garden.

The interview begins with Margery asking Dr. Rich, why does Prouty Garden matter?

"Prouty Garden matters because it's one of the important healing spaces at Children's," he said.  "It is not seen as that necessarily on a balance sheet, but for many, many patients and their families (in fact, 14,000-some have signed a petition to save Prouty Garden), they have found the kind of solace, the kind of peace, and the "centered-ness" that they can find in nature there, when they haven't been in the rooms with the blinking lights and the beeping sounds and the wires. So I think that we need to see it as an integral part of what we can offer and have offered for the past 60 years."

You can listen to the entire interview here:

We'd also like to remind everyone that we have just three days remaining to weigh in with the Department of Public Health. The DPH will only accept public comment on BCH's expansion application through MONDAY, MARCH 7th at 5 pm. More info on how to write the DPH is available on our Take Action page:

We also urge you to please consider a donation this month to keep our efforts going! Let's show the hospital that we are still mad and we are NOT BACKING DOWN!

Finally, in case you ever doubted our momentum, exactly 24 hours ago this petition on was nearly 1,000 signatures away from that crucial 15,000 milestone. We asked our supporters to help push us over the hump and as of this writing, we are a mere 37 signatures away.